Life in Washington - Our House Arrives!

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August 10, 2005... as dawn broke it was a typical day at the ranch.  The sky was clear, the air warm, and our peach and nectarine trees cried out...  we've got ripe fruit ready to be picked, sorted and packed. 

At 5:30, we stepped outside of our temporary quarters and...

OK...  cherry season is over and this thing is a bit big to be a cherry picker.  So, it must be true.  After months and months of waiting, our house is on its way!  The crane team arrived at 5:30AM to set up.


 Shortly after 8AM, the first section of our house was on its way up Henderson Rd.


Then it was time to hook the first section up to the crane.





and away!!!!

Over the cherry trees

and headed to the house's pad.

We have touch down!  One section down, two to go!!

Here comes section two.

And, finally, section three.

What a day!  Took 7 hours!!!  Yes, we were stressed and incredibly thankful to have all three sections make it safely into place.