Life in Washington - March 2005

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March 2005:  A busy month indeed!  We have three birthdays and one 50th Wedding Anniversary to celebrate.  A trip to the Wenatchee area for Ron and Connie, and trips to Seattle and Portland for Jimmie and Becca.

On March 8, 2005, Ron and Connie celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  It was a wonderful day and evening of celebrating with the family.

Ron and Connie toasting to the next 50!

Lots of cards were collected from friends and family to celebrate the event.

We enjoyed a lobster and filet mignon steak dinner.

Lots of yellow roses and a wonderful wedding cake.

Ron and Connie enjoying all their cards.

Jimmie and Becca took Flat Stanley (an Ellie Downie school project) to Seattle.

The Easter bunny managed to find us in Yakima!

Sunnyslope Ranch is blossoming!

It's so beautiful to walk among the trees this time of year.

March has been a very busy month.  Jimmie and Becca spent time on the road meeting with the major ranch customers in Seattle (Charlie's Produce) and Portland (Organically Grown and New Seasons.)  While in Portland, Jimmie and Becca had the opportunity to meet with some of their "wine geek" friends from around the country.

The newspapers and local news channels have been filled with drought, drought, drought!  At best we are expecting to received 34% of our usual allotment of water for the season.  Given this issue, Jimmie and Becca have the bizarre experience of being water rights from another farmer who is opting not to plant his hay this year.  After meeting the guy in an abandoned gas station lot, paying 250% of the value of the water and doing the deal with a phone call, hand written agreement and a handshake, we think (hope!) we have enough water to get through this season.  Strange times indeed!

Jimmie and Becca also spent an enormous amount of time lining up a field consultant to help with the orchard this year and in completing the application  for the Washington State Department of Agriculture Organic Certification.  It has been a tremendous educational process.

With the arrival of the blossoms we've had 12 hives of bees brought out to the ranch in order pollinate.

Exciting times!  In April, the ranch will (finally!) become 100% ours.  We'll be ordering our homes and preparing to take over the entire operation.  Stay tuned!

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